Monday 28 November 2011

Saturday 19 November 2011

First completed Lucian Freud style painting.

After visiting Tate Britain and the National Portrait Gallery to analyse Lucian Freud's paintings in the flesh I have painted this.
Contrary to my initial thoughts, seeing the paintings was unquantifiably useful. The marks and the texture of the painting give much away as to the manner in which it was constructed. I feel my technique is improving.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Back on the old scalpel.

Last night I did this, almost by accident. Especially if you invert the colour.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Smoking Man 3:

A drawn one.

Another Man.

This was influenced by an arsey man on the train but now its finished I like it. I wish I had started drawing it with a better thing in mind.

Today's picture. Smoking man 2:

Trying to do some simple non stylised painting and drawing. This is attempt 1:

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wire Man.

I made this the day I left my pencil case at home.

A New Mind.

This I my new aim. To know and understand where I come from to then look at the world.

Sunday 9 October 2011

A City.

This collage is for another workshop at uni. I haven't done any collage for yonks, however I like it. And perhaps I'll do more.

A Line Drawing

This is for a workshop at uni. We were asked to do some line drawings from memory of our memories from the day. This is a memory of cutting Fred's hair.

Thursday 6 October 2011

First Tiny Faery Steps.

I am looking at machines and machinery as part of my four words project.
'Little Wheel', a game I found on miniclip uses this style for the visuals. I like it. Also looking at Jan Pienkowski's illustrations, in particular the illustrations from 'A Necklace Of Raindrops'.
Now all I need to do is find some really machines to draw. :)