Wednesday 26 October 2011

Smoking Man 3:

A drawn one.

Another Man.

This was influenced by an arsey man on the train but now its finished I like it. I wish I had started drawing it with a better thing in mind.

Today's picture. Smoking man 2:

Trying to do some simple non stylised painting and drawing. This is attempt 1:

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wire Man.

I made this the day I left my pencil case at home.

A New Mind.

This I my new aim. To know and understand where I come from to then look at the world.

Sunday 9 October 2011

A City.

This collage is for another workshop at uni. I haven't done any collage for yonks, however I like it. And perhaps I'll do more.

A Line Drawing

This is for a workshop at uni. We were asked to do some line drawings from memory of our memories from the day. This is a memory of cutting Fred's hair.

Thursday 6 October 2011

First Tiny Faery Steps.

I am looking at machines and machinery as part of my four words project.
'Little Wheel', a game I found on miniclip uses this style for the visuals. I like it. Also looking at Jan Pienkowski's illustrations, in particular the illustrations from 'A Necklace Of Raindrops'.
Now all I need to do is find some really machines to draw. :)