Thursday 25 February 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Last weekend I went to visit my grandparents. It was my grandfather's 70th Birthday meal. Whilst I was there I read the arts section of the Times which had an article on Lewis Carroll's (Charles Dodgson's) book: 'Alice in Wonderland'  and his life around the time he wrote it. Along with the article there were a few examples of the illustrations that accompanied the story. The article really inspired me and when, the next day, I stumbled across an old copy of the book in a charity shop for 50p I practically snapped off the shop keepers arm. 
I have been reading the book and it is fantastic! I haven't enjoyed reading this much in a long time. I think the reason for this is that the book is aimed at children and allows to reader to image all their own details where other books do not. One example being when Alice meets the Duchess, her Cook and baby they are not visually described. It does mention the mood of the characters but not their appearance. This has allowed my imagination to start working again giving me a plethora of ideas. 
Along with the inspiration I have taken from 'Alice in Wonderland' and Rob Ryan's 'This Is For You'* I have overcome my creative block and am now painting away like there is no tomorrow. 
It is the most exhilarating feeling. Yay! 

* 'This Is For You' is a beautiful story created by cutting out the pictures and the text from coloured paper. Well worth a read. 

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