Thursday 25 February 2010

The New York Sisterhood WI

I am a member of the New York Sisterhood WI, and I led February's meeting! It was really fun although at the time I felt like I was talking nonsense, however my mum said everyone she spoke to thought I was making perfect sense. Which was nice to here. 
I was running the session on altering clothes and when I arrived there was a woman there called Suzi Tibbetts. 
Before we had even started she pulled out this dark blue heavy cotton dress with a fitted top and ruched skirt telling me and Laura (my lovely boss and president of the New York Sisterhood) she had had thrown it together in a couple of hours! Made my alterations look a little poor. 
The next day she added me on facebook where I found a link to her website. She had the most amazing photograph on her home page of her work space and the things she makes are just beautiful. Here is the link to her website, take a Look!

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